Polishing A Prosthesis - Beryl Carvalho - Eyes Alive

Polishing A Prosthesis

Your prosthetic eye should, ideally, be professionally polished every six months to a year. This recommendation is in line with globally accepted Ocularist best practices.

The majority of patients are in need of a professional polish when they experience:

  • Increased discharge
  • Irritated or itchy eyelids
  • A change in the eye's cosmetic appearance
  • A feeling of a foreign body in the socket.

The Benefits Of A Professional Polish

Primarily the eye’s comfort and look will be restored as polishing will remove protein build up, bacteria and surface scratches.

It is also a good opportunity for a six month check-up where your Ocularist can inspect the health of your eye socket and the fit of your prosthetic eye.

Patients tell us all the time that they can feel an immediate difference after we have polished their eye prosthesis for them.

Contact Us
Operating Hours

Monday - Friday: 9:30 am - 5:00 pm
1 Saturday a month: By appointment only
Sunday: Closed

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