Microphthalmia - Beryl Carvalho - Eyes Alive


Also referred as microphthalmos, is a developmental disorder of the eye in which one (unilateral microphthalmia) or both (bilateral microphthalmia) eyes are abnormally small and have anatomic malformations.

Microphthalmia is a rare (usually genetic) disorder, in which one or both eyes are abnormally small. In microphthalmia the degree of the visual impairment can vary from blindness to diminished vision. Acute microphthalmia can appear to resemble some forms of anophthalmia.

Unfortunately there is no treatment or cure for microphthalmia.

In some cases, ocular prostheses (or artificial eyes) can be used to encourage proper growth of the eye sockets and to help with cosmesis.

We have quite a few patients in the practice with microphthalmia, it is one of the leading causes in children within our practice. Microphthalmia presents itself most often with premature babies.

One of the children that Beryl first saw when he was under a year old is now studying overseas and lives a full life due to the fact that his parents brought him to Eyes Alive at an early stage of his life. Others have grown up with their eye prosthesis and are now married and living a normal life with their families.

Paediatric expertise

We are highly qualified in the fitting of prostheses for children and babies of all ages; in fact we have a high number of patients under the age of 5 years old.

We are adept at treating young patients in our calm and secure environment.

Please feel free to discuss your child’s treatment plan with us.

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Operating Hours

Monday - Friday: 9:30 am - 5:00 pm
1 Saturday a month: By appointment only
Sunday: Closed

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